IC Information
Full Name: Cox_Light
Character's Date of Birth: 17.01.1969
Character's Level: 1 [Server not open yet.]
Current employment (if applicable) Director.
Previous criminal record: I have nothing on my record.
Education: Childs school, junior high, high school, college, cadet academy.
Why would you make a good member of the Professional Staff? Because I have been an officer of the LSPD before, I know what to do and not to do.
In your opinion, why do you think you would be an asset to the FBI: Because I know how to investigate closesly, I know how to catch the slippery bad guys. I also know how to solve big related issues like gang warfare, drug traficking and more. OOC Information
Time zone: GMT+1.
Hours online daily: 5-10 hours.
SA:MP RP Experience: One year of role-play here but in total, i've been role-playing for five years.
Do you understand that you can be fired without warning/notice? Yes/No* Yes.
Do you have ventrilo, with a working microphone? Yes/No Yes.
Will your intern account be your main character? Yes/No Yes.
Have you read and fully understood the LSPD Manual, and the FBI Application Process? Yes/No* Yes.
List all previous characters/alts (Server Logs will be Admin Checked): This is my only, since the server ain't up yet.
Ingame References: Cox Light, give me a call.
Other Comments: I would like to be the director of FBI, i've been the director before and I know what to do to lead such a professional staff as FBI.